Submission Suite Utilization
The Submission Suite Utilization screen enables the Nexsure user to run a report on the utilization of the Submission Suite programs.
To Run a Utilization Report
- On the Utility menu, click SETUP
- In the Setup Console, navigate to Submission Suite > Utilization. The Submission Suite Utilization screen is displayed.
- In the Report Data Range From and To boxes, enter or select the date range for the utilization report.
- Click Get Data. The report is then populated with the utilization statistics. The following information is available:
- Program: The name of the program given at setup.
- Incomplete: The number of applications that are currently incomplete.
- Submitted: The number of submitted applications.
- Quoted: The number of submissions that have been quoted.
- Pending: The number of submissions that are still in a pending state.
- Rejected: The number of submission that have been rejected.
- Client Accepted: The number of quoted submissions where the client has accepted the quote.
- Client Rejected: The number of quoted submissions where the client has rejected the quote.
- Policies Issued: The number of policies issued from quotes on the Submission Suite.
- Total Premium: The total amount of premium combined for all policies on the Program.
Submission Suite General Configuration
Submission Suite Color Scheme
Submission Suite Notification
Submission Suite Credit Card
Submission Suite Programs